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Warranty PolicyUpdated a day ago

Did you manage to break your Pit Vipers? Okay. First of all, wow, we're impressed. You must be very strong.

Fortunately, all Pit Viper products fall under one of our lifetime warranty policies.


Our warranty policy ensures 100% coverage for manufacturing defects. Examples of manufacturing defects include faulty components and material flaws. This policy is intended for any damage to your Pit Vipers that is caused by the factory, NOT YOU! 

Click here to file a warranty claim


Pit Vipers lost? Stolen? At the bottom of the lake? Destroyed by your dog or your own stupidity? Sorry friend, if it wasn’t Pit Viper’s fault, you will need to get creative with this one. Create a Dramatic Reenactment Video of how they broke. If it does not meet our standards for a replacement, no worries we will work with you*.

*A replacement isn’t always guaranteed. We review each dramatic reenactment submission and determine the outcome based on what you've submitted.* 

Here are the steps for your video:

Step 1: Shoot a dramatic reenactment video of how they broke. Get your creative juices flowing - make us laugh, cry, pee our pants - have fun with it.

Step 2: Refer to the word “dramatic” in step 1. We want drama.

Step 3: Fill out the form below & attach the video to your claim

Step 4: We watch your video and critique the cinematic quality and direction: Brain will reach out within the week to follow up with your claim.

The best ones we've seen:

Need more warranty help? Contact a Pit Viper Servicer HERE

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